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Feb 26, 2015

wip: Kaname Chidori - Full Metal Panic!

So, Kaname Chidori, right?

Everyone's familiar with Full Metal Panic, and if you aren't, you should probably do yourself a favor and watch what there is of it (I even recommend it in English, as the VAs do a fantastic job).

I've had this cosplay on my mind ever since watching the show through again with the boy last winter, and seeing as Shuto Con is right around the corner, (like really around the corner, it's in less than a month from the day I started this blog post) I said to myself "Hey, you have the wig and the hard to get items, you should go get the fabric tonight and see if you can't finish it in time for the con!"

And so here for you right now is two days of work so far in creating this Kaname cosplay:


....yep. All I finished in day one was measuring, cutting and pinning the pleats in the skirt. I did some sketching of the harder parts of the cosplay as well, though, so I can't say that I was slacking.


Skirt completed!....Mostly. Had to throw it on over the shirt I'd be wearing underneath it all (thrifted white button up), and also grabbed the ribbon neck tie I am planning to put to good use for the cosplay even if it's not "perfect". (I am all about cutting corners/costs, sometimes not for the best when it comes to cosplay, but with my non-existent income I do what I have to)

Hemming time! Purposely made the skirt too long/loose as it's always easier to take in/up than magically produce more fabric to make ends meet. Ignore the sloppy pinning in the front, I just wanted to make sure I had a starting place for pinning it once I had taken off the skirt again. (This is also why I have not ironed in the pleats yet. It's waaaaaaaaay easier for me to hem and adjust when I can pull at the fabric without caring about maintaining a folded pleat.)

This is a closer picture of the bow necktie and the shirt I will be transforming into her jacket on another day. Had to make sure it worked/fit over the button up and that the collars played together in a way I can work with. It'll do. (Also you can see how my bow is polkadotted... yeah, oh well.)

Anyway, for only two days of work so far, I can see it coming together! :3 Not too shabby, right?

 To be continued when I have another day to work!