for more cosplay candy, videos can be found here

Oct 30, 2010

third cosplay: kokiri children (legend of zelda - ocarina of time)

At the same time as the Harada twin cosplay, we wanted to throw together some really quick characters from Ocarina of Time, and nothing was easier than a gaggle of Kokiri Forest children. We bought on sale greenish roughly woven fabric, slapped it together, belted it and then followed suit by making hats like Link wears in the game. 

kokiri children
The Kokiri derive their names from Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Da, just putting two of them together. So here we have Dati, Rela and Fare.

The ocarinas weren't just for poses! Rela and I bought one each and a song book (all of the songs you learn in OoT) so that we could have a few memorized by the time of the con. It was fun to play them in the planters because the sound would echo out into the escalators and since it's such a well known game, people would turn their heads saying "isn't that the song of storms?"

Someday I'd love to do a real cosplay of the Legend of Zelda cast. I have so much respect for that series.

second cosplay: harada twins (dnangel)

After seeing so many people in outfits that they'd created themselves at Ohayocon, we decided to make our own the for the next convention we attended. That ended up being Youmacon. It just happened to be that my friend and I decided to do the twins from one of our favorite manga and anime series, DNAngel, together to the convention that Vic Mignonga (Dark's voice actor in DNAngel) would be attending. Needless to say we were very excited to meet him, and he recognized us right away, calling out to us "Oh! It's my twins!"

Here are the anime versions of Riku (left) and Risa (right) in their school uniforms, followed by our finished outfits.

Riku Harada

Risa Harada

We bought fabric and made our own patterns for the jackets and used youtube videos for pleating the skirts, the shirts we bought at Goodwill for under $5 and tailored them to our size, and the shoes were lucky Payless BOGO buys. Due to starting these in early October, we didn't hem anything but the skirts simply because we didn't have time. I know both of us would like to go back and maybe redo the vests as their close up quality is rather poor with the rough edges. Still! I like to think it wasn't bad for a first try at making them on our own.

Jan 30, 2010

first cosplay: sailor scouts (sailor moon)


For our very first convention together, we we convinced by a friend to come together as the Sailor Scouts (she would be our Sailor Moon) and go to Ohayocon. We mused making the costumes ourselves, but being new comers to the world of cosplay we wimped out and bought the best looking costumes we could find off of ebay. The wigs and shoes we hunted down individually, and this is what we ended up with.

the original scouts and their sailor moon


sailor mercury

sailor venus

sailor jupiter


Unfortunately, our Sailor Moon got tangled up in school work the weekend of the convention and didn't end up going. We found plenty of lonely Sailor Moons at the con, but it wasn't the same ; _ ;

We also didn't manage to get single shots done of each of our scouts, but I have a feeling that we'll break them out again at a later con.